Open training seminars for growers

Asociación Frutos Secos de Mendoza promotes and organizes face-to-face and virtual training meetings, in coordination with institutions and professionals from the private sector on productive, economic and socio-environmental issues of interest to the value chain.


20-5-2020 Cambio Rural Virtual Forum

As an invitation of the Programa Cambio Rural, of de Argentina Ministry of Agriculture, the coordinator of the Asociación Frutos Secos de Mendoza participated in the Virtual Forum “Perspectives of the Agri-Food Sector – Current Situation” along with references from other sectors.

15-5-2020 Virtual Meeting and lecture on “Walnut diseases”

A new virtual meeting of the Association was held during the month of May 2020, this time with the participation of Dr. Gabriela Lucero, a plant pathology specilist at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of UNCUYO. We share below his presentation on wood fungi and other walnut diseases.

09-05-2019 Nutfruit Day al the University

A new open divulgation event was held in May 2019 at the Information Center – CICUNC – of the National University of Cuyo, with the support of this university and the participation of government officials, businessmen, producers, advisors and the general public. We share the presentations made by INTA, UNCUYO, IDR, Cambio Rural and the Asociación Frutos Secos de Mendoza.

Request nursery plants and planting advice

Enter a request for a quote to nurseries members of Asociación Frutos Secos de Mendoza. The offer of these nurseries consists of plant material for walnut, almond and other fruit trees.

Be a member, and share our goals

Frutos Secos de Mendoza is an entity that is sustained and strengthened with the participation of the growers and processors families and companies in the area. Through formal integration, with a minimum fee, people interested near Mendoza can become a member of the Association, access information and special meetings, participate in projects and collaborate with partners.


Santa Cruz 264, 1er piso of 4, Mendoza, Argentina

Phone numbers






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